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3 min read

Dec 14, 2023

I love the story of Jesus’s birth. The angel, Gabriel, came to Mary and told her she would have a son by the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:31). She and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem (Luke 2:1-21). Jesus was born in a barn or a cave. Less than ideal conditions. Shepherds got word of Jesus’s birth from angels and came to see Him. Later, wise men came seeking to worship the One born King of the Jews (Matthew 2:2). A key player in  this story is Mary. How did all of this impact her?

The story of Mary begins with her finding favor with God. For some unknown reason, Mary stood in God’s undeserved grace. Of all the women who have ever lived since He created the world, God chose Mary for the special job of conceiving and giving birth to a son by the Holy Spirit. His name would be Jesus, and He would be called the Son of God (Luke 1:31, 35). Gabriel, the angel, explained all of this to Mary. Now Mary and Joseph were engaged but not yet officially married. Gabriel’s announcement meant Mary would be a virgin when she conceived a baby. It meant she would be unmarried and pregnant. Hmm. Having a child out of wedlock was a serious problem for both Mary and Joseph because God’s law said that if an engaged woman had sex voluntarily, both the woman and the man were to be put to death by stoning (Deuteronomy 22:23-24). So there was that problem. There was also the problem of the pregnancy. As her condition became obvious to all, Mary surely suffered the shame and humiliation of sly looks, whispers, rumors, and rejection. Joseph, who of course knew he had not been with Mary, toyed with the idea of divorcing her, a legal step that was necessary to dissolve an engagement in ancient Israel (Matthew 1:19). Obviously this was not going to be a glamourous role, right? It wasn’t going to be easy.

What went through Mary’s mind as she listened to Gabriel?  Would Joseph understand? What if he didn’t…and who could blame him when he didn’t? Her parents wouldn’t understand. What would people think? They would think she was a liar or crazy or both! If this had been me, I’m certain all the reasons why God’s plan was a bad idea would have flashed through my mind. But I don’t think any of these untrusting, faithless questions entered Mary’s mind, not even for an instant. Mary simply accepted God’s plan. The Bible tells us that Mary responded, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38). In other words, Mary was a ready, willing, trusting believer in God Almighty and His plan for her. Though God suddenly and unexpectedly stepped into her life, she received His calling with grace. What a heart attitude! What faith to imitate!

And so it happened. Mary gave birth to the promised Savior. Do you remember why Jesus came? To die. Years later, Mary watched as Jesus suffered and died on the cross. But also remember this: Mary was a sinner like you and me. She needed her Savior, Jesus, to die and rise again so that He would rescue her from sin and transfer her into His kingdom of light. Mary needed the salvation that is possible only through Jesus Christ. Mary was just like you and me. In this season, let’s learn from Mary’s faithfulness and readiness to serve her Lord and her Savior. If you need prayers or a Bible, let me know.

3 min read

Dec 14, 2023



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